post-retreat musings

love notes
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slowly recovering from 14 hours of driving plus hosting an AMAZING group of ladies all weekend — my green tea (+ warm memories) is helping!

each year i am blown away by the women who join moi for this adventure. from my oh-so-helpful assistant hilary to the lovely jen lee who also facilitated modules to the cooks who made yummy meals (complete with desserts) and all the women who traveled from the midwest, california, dc, and new york to be with us for the 3rd annual hip tranquil chick retreat. merci beaucoup! i wanted to share a few photos of the ladies’ altar, doing yoga, listening intently to jen lee’s module on finding your creative muse, + our group shot before dashing off to catch trains or planes.

returning from a retreat is always a bit discombobulating. after being in a sacred space, reveling in reflection, and focusing on one’s vision, it can be tricky to return to a manic monday. the key is to stay focused on the big picture despite the drama of day-to-day life. one of the ways i like to do this is by setting my key results for the week.

what are the 3-5 main items you want to focus on this week? this helps boil down the oodles of to-dos into a few projects that will bring you great joy (and relief) to complete this week. blend it with personal and professional. to-dos don’t have to be drudgery. if they are, reflect on whether the to-dos you’re doing are the right fit and adjust accordingly – a whole OTHER can of worms.

wishing you a week full of key result actions coupled with a joyful bloom into spring! . . . and a *HUGE* merci beaucoup to the delightful bunch who joined me at the farmhouse this weekend.