sultry summer sadhana teleclass

love notes
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last night’s teleclass was a total treat. we had HTCs from the east and west coast plus australia and iraq! a truly delightful group and one who even set her alarm to get up at 4am (iraq time) to listen in.

one of our lovely participants passed along her 8 petals from the call and i just had to share. so colorful, so creative, and so fun!

if you were registered, an mp3 of the call is coming your way in the next day or so. mark your calendars: our next teleclass is september 15 and registration for it will start shortly.

here’s a brief summary of the 8 sultry summer sadhana (spiritual practice) petals:

1. yamas
2. niyamas
3. create
4. meditate
5. go green
6. live by example
7. be a do-gooder
8. be in the know