the start of a fresh week

love notes
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ah, a clean slate and a fresh list of to-dos (many carried over from last week). since i returned home this afternoon from leading a free comunity class in the park to 30 local yogis (such a delightful group), i’ve been organizing paperwork, lining up priorities for the week, and going through numerous publications in my overflowing basket that beg to be read. it’s just past midnight and i’m beginning to slow down. amazing how long reorganizing and prioritizing can take! i constantly read how powerful and important it is to regroup on a daily basis to be sure your to-dos are aligning with your overall mission.

i recently wrote at the top of my planner pad (i’m addicted to this little gem) “what is the most valuable use of my time?” it’s a great question to ponder when wondering what to focus on next. a favorite quote by Goethe is “the things that matter most must never be at the mercy of the things that matter least.” since organizing and prioritizing our day is crucial to development as hip tranquil chicks, i’ll put together some tips in tomorrow’s podcast outlining my fave resources and suggestions.

best wishes for a fabulous start to your blank slate of a week. may it be filled with things that matter most – belly laughs, time outside, good food, yoga, lavender, sparkling water, creativity, good work, steps toward making a difference, doing something for others, social consciousness, comfy clothes, and more!