Isn’t the biggest dilemma, after setting up your autoreply, changing your voicemail, confirming your reservations, and getting a pet sitter, what to pack? Well, considering I lived out of my suitcase a lot this Spring, here a few of my fave, tranquility-inspiring tips that help create a tranquil space internally and externally no matter where your plans take you.
Little treats for your suitcase to make your travel more tranquil:
Yoga mat: nothing is worse than slipping on hotel carpet during down dog
Scented candle: lavender or lilac are my faves. look for the small tin ones for easy transport and don’t forget matches!
Rosebud salve: reduces hair frizzies, soothes lips, relieves dry skin, smells divine
Eyepillow: soothes tired, jetlagged eyes
Tea bags: bring some of your favorite herbal blend
Bath treats: Lush has some of the best self-nurturing delights out there
Fave pair of jeans
Comfy slip-ons, kitten heels, and tennis shoes
Swimsuit: don’t you always find that the hotel has a pool or hot tub your tired body craves but you forgot the suit?
Plenty of pens to record your thoughts
Wrinkle-free, comfy clothing: this is where the tranquiliT collection rocks. Pair your tie top over your wrap top with jeans, a bohemian skirt or the drawsting pant for a perfect outfit that goes from the mat to the museum. Pair your sleeveless tunic over capri pants or jeans and kitten heels for a chic, comfy look. Pair your shrug and your asymmetrical top over your foldover pant for a trendy look that carries you into the evening. Think comfy, flattering, color-coordinating and trendy separates.
A little black dress: throw on kitten heels to dress it up or your slip ons and a denim jacket for fun
Flair-filled accessories: chandelier earrings, long skinny scarves, tranquiliT capelet/skirt, colorful handbag (especially if you’re as addicted to black clothing as I am!), chunky necklace, sequined headband for those not-so-fabulous hair days
Reading material: go through your magazines on the plane and bring at least two powerful books to motivate and inspire
Ipod: how did we ever survive before without carrying around our entire cd collection in one tiny machine?
P.S. Don’t forget, if you’re not lucky enough to venture off to the beach this summer, create your own little urban escape at home with the tools above!