tranquil tuesday: blooms o’ spring

love notes
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lovely laurence from belgium passed along her gorgeous interpretation of march’s  
bloom into spring teleclass. the colors are inspiring and i adore seeing the way 
participants bring the 8 petals to life. 
considering we’ve been basking in spring for a month now, with two to go, i’m curious how your blooming is unfolding. do you feel lighter in spirit? have you done some spring cleaning? are you able to spend a few moments each day basking in being? have you noticed any changes or evolutions? 
a favorite quote by anais nin that i share repeatedly: 
“and the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful 
than the risk it took to bloom.”
how are you blooming? do tell. 
moi? post-internship and travel, carving out weekly artist dates, 
spring cleaning chez moi, and shaking up my weekly schedule. 
bisous. x