tranquilosophy: tour surprises, week 6

love notes
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my work space in miss lillie

bonjour from misty monterey where we’re en route to christine mason miller‘s for a meet-up tonight in santa barbara. excited to be taking a jaunt on highway 1 to see more of the california coast on our way down.

during last night’s pop-up in monterey, we received a thoughtful question on what surprises we’d encountered on our tour. we’ve been on the road six weeks now and have three and a half weeks to go. wow! honestly, it’s flown by as we’ve mostly been on the move with a few opportunities to stay two nights {three in lake louise} in a few dreamy settings {hello redwoods, i heart you}.

i shared that one surprise was how easily i settled into the practice of being . . . for hours. sweet le beau has been the driver this whole time {payback for my two weeks of driving a stick RV around the tiny streets and mountain cliffs of provence last summer} while i’ve stared out the windows daydreaming and watching the passing landscapes, napped in the back, or penned love notes in my work space {see above pic}.

also, the inability to consistently post here on the blog has also been surprising. i didn’t plan on wifi being such a rare resource along the journey. although i have my trusty smartphone and have been able to post lots of pics and update our tranquility tour facebook page, it’s not the same as sitting down to pen a post which requires time, ample wifi, and a speedy connection to access and upload photos and links with the posts.

reading was something i thought i’d do tons of and have only done a fraction of so far. i toted books, my kindle, and have even purchased a few more along the way: wild, still writing, and microdomination. again, with all the looking out the windows, i haven’t had my nose in books unless savoring a read around the campfire or before bed. c’est la vie.

i planned to make progress on a few projects that i haven’t touched yet. and it’s ok.

the 13 events we’ve hosted, the landscapes we’ve seen, the people we’ve met, the family and friends we’ve spent time with, the fresh tree-filled air we’ve breathed, and the afternoon walks we’ve taken have been more joyful than my go-to art of doing. i’m delighted to see that i’ve been able to relax into the art of being so easily and to learn some lessons there. here’s an insightful yoga journal article on being versus doing.

i believe seeds are being planted on this journey. and they are seeds of being. and savoring. and being ok with it. bisous. x