transitioning from tobago

love notes
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what an amazing group! this photo captures the retreaters (dan, rhodo, rose, nick, tim, lisa, melissa, suzanne, amanda, beth, nick, me, david) sans tony, amy, and lynette who were out galavanting during photo time. hear some of them share their experience in this weekend’s podcast and see my muse below on how to carve out a little space for your own retreat. we laughed until we cried, yogaed until our bums and hamstrings were in shock (4 hours each day), danced, drank caribs and rum punch, basked in the sun, ate amazing local cuisine, meditated, hiked, swam, and spent lots of time connecting within. 5 of the 18 fabulous retreaters made their way to my 6:00 class tonight after rising at 4:30 am DC time this morning. talk about rock stars!

tobago timeline:
thursday: arrival in tobago around 8pm
friday: yoga, lunch at treehouse on beach, more yoga complete with setting of intentions
saturday: yoga, beach time at englishman’s bay (named a top 10 beach by conde nast), more yoga
sunday: yoga, naps, yoga and sunday school (a weekly tobago phenomenon of dancing and drums–yogis gone wild)
monday: day off to recover filled with excursions, naps, beach time, and more naps
tuesday: yoga, photo shoot with the fabulous amy mullarkey, discussion on yamas & niyamas and creating a home practice, yin yoga, and dinner on the beach complete with limbo and drumming
wednesday: partner yoga, downtime (because everything else was so exhausting), yoga, closing circle, and last hurrah filled with barbeque, drummers (some of us got a quick lesson), more dancing and caribs
thursday: early, early morning topped off with more yoga at the studio

as i mull through the e-mails and regroup after a week of disconnection, i look forward to reflecting more on the experience and incorporating a little bit of tobago into my everyday life. thank you, retreaters, for sharing your beautiful spirits with me!