tying bow on e-course

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





bonjour from chez moi.
today is all about tying a bow around the heaps of images, podcasts, video, worksheets, how-tos, stories, and inspiration contained in the creative + conscious business e-course launching on thursday, september 15. tomorrow morning i leave for squam – an adventure i’ve been looking forward to for almost a year. if i can make it through the next 24 hours of shipping TranquiliT and CDs to amazon, birthday prep (happy birthday mum + 99th to gramma on sunday), packing, prepping for the trunk show at squam, and the few meetings i didn’t reschedule for today, i’ll be in good shape!
whew, a few days sans internet immersed in art will do me good especially since i return to a week of doctor appointments, fall photo shoot prep, and heaps of meetings. sound familiar? feeling the same back to school time crunch?
when life is jam-packed like this, i remind myself to focus on my most important tasks – what is deadline sensitive!? – and to recognize when good is good enough. there are many unknowns up in the air and to-dos in the planner pad at this moment, but worrying about them doesn’t change a thing. over the years i’ve learned that you have to pick your battles (so to speak) and focus on the task at hand – preferably with a cup of jasmine tea nearby, scented candles burning, and a snoring pug on the lap.
thus, today is all about tying a big, beautiful bow on my very first DIY e-course (go at your own pace). it is full of SO much information and oodles of love. 
squam-bound and grateful. bisous. x