wednesday well-being: experiences

love notes
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 biking with le pug
 tree pose among the trees
 a dose of dancer with the giants
 campfire cuddles
 entrance to our campsite on the avenue of the giants
 pretty fall leaves
 another campground entrance
all smiles post bike ride with le pug in basket
 le beau kept giggling at my biking ensemble + captured this shot

bonjour from the marina dunes near monterey, california where we’re hosting a tranquility pop-up tonight.

we’ve been sans wifi for many days now and i’ve been dying to share my redwoods experience with you. when i say i’m my happiest self among these giants, i’m not exaggerating.

ok, maybe among these giants AND writing at a parisian cafe. however, there is something most magical about these trees.

throughout this tour creating experiences has been my mission.

here are a few examples: hanging twinkle lights and a glittery tranquility sign in the camper, sitting by a campfire for hours, looking out the window and daydreaming for hours, sipping hot tea {yep, even plugging in our tea pot at a rest stop loo}, hiking through the woods, penning piles of postcards and love notes, hanging received love notes with damask clothes pins, savoring the smell of the redwoods, having a basket full of art supplies and creative tools within reach, teaching tranquility-filled tools, having lit scented candles burning, biking along the avenue of the giants, having an organized set up for all our glamping supplies where everything {dish soap, food, clothing, le pug treats, etc.} has a home.

whether you’re on the road, a stay at home mum, CEO, or worker bee, creating experiences out of every day is a favorite way to make the mundane sparkle. i truly believe this {and a regular jaunt to the redwoods} is the key to well-being.

oh, and realizing that le pug enjoyed riding in my front basket brought me enough joy to last for weeks. it’s the little things.

what experience will you create today? bisous. x