wednesday well-being: hOMe

love notes
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image courtesy of real beauty
bonjour wednesday. bonjour america. bonjour east coast time zone. 
my plane o’ turbulence landed at 7:05pm and i was eager to step off. eight hours of rattling back and forth {at times holding onto the seat in front of me}, napping, and reading with occasional bouts of stretching was plenty. how have i ever tolerated the 15+ hours to india? 
off to customs and baggage claim i went, eager to see le beau and le pug. with glassy eyes and a foggy head, i got the day’s update from le beau and many tongue-covered kisses from le pug. as we drove through dupont looking for parking {ah, joys of city living}, i couldn’t believe that i was in paris earlier that same day. felt slight culture shock and gratitude at the same time.
arriving home felt amazing. during my time in paris i stayed in three different apartments. all lovely, but nothing is quite like home. having all my art supplies out, beloved pets within reach {bonnard is still kicking, albeit slowly, but kicking!}, creature comforts {candles, incense, lots of tea}, my library, sweet beau, and yummy linens can’t be beat. 
two big stacks of mail, my new diploma {proudly on display}, and fresh flowers {thanks le beau} welcomed moi. around 9pm i couldn’t keep my peepers open a minute longer so i crawled into bed, donned eyemask and ear plugs, and was fast asleep.
this morning i’ve begun tackling mail, drinking green juice, tying bows around the many gifts i’ll be delivering the next few days, and gearing up for my 2.5 days in town.
being home, in my “pink palace,” surrounded by vintage trinkets, chandeliers, delights for the senses, and loads of reading materials is a source of my well-being. 
as dorthy said, “there’s no place like home.” bisous. x