Week in Review {Pics + Links}

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happy 12

Week in Review

Bonjour from snowy DC. The fluffy white flakes began falling around 1pm yesterday when I was at Calabash Tea & Tonic writing. I quickly finished my jasmine rose tea and vegan apple zucchini bread, gathered my supplies, layered up, and biked home with a big grin.

Snowstorms seem to bring out our inner child. Visions of snow angels, sledding, and days off flow freely.

This week’s photos show the gamut of climates: from windy and warm Florida beaches, to one of the biggest snowstorms in DC’s history, and tiny moments in between.

Our overnight Amtrak train travel last weekend was a big experience packed into a tiny, tiny roomette. With approximately 18 hours each way, we had ample time to read, write, and gaze out the windows. Sleeping inside the closet-like room was seamless. The attendant came at our requested time to pull a bed down from the ceiling, adjust the two lower chairs into a bed, and, voilà, we were ready to slumber bunk bed style.

The train’s horn blows at each crossing so that and the constant vibration took a bit of getting used to, but two earplugs and a melatonin, and I was out. Highly recommend the adventure if you have the time!

Of course Garth Brooks didn’t disappoint. This Sunrise, Florida show was my favorite to date—the energy, the crowd, the balmy climate, the duck I met en route, the songs and their order (“Shameless” at the end felt like sprinkles on top), the journey there, our seats. His weekend in Baltimore was cancelled due to the blizzard, but rescheduled for next Sunday so I get to see him next Saturday night AND Sunday night. Yee-haw! Again, poor Tim.

Yesterday Tim and I celebrated our 12th year together. A whole dozen! To commemorate, I created the above collage, gifted him 5lbs of his favorite coffee, a trip to any farm sanctuary of his choice, and a dinner out at any resto of his choice. Then I added the clincher: another Garth concert. I’ve got my eye on Raleigh, North Carolina. #selfishgiftgiving

Thursday’s story about the cow who escaped the slaughterhouse and ran through the streets of Queens before being captured by police weighed heavily on me. I shed tears of joy when I learned last night that the owners gave him to Mike of Skylands Animal Sanctuary who spent the night outside the operation. Freddie is a lucky one, named after the lead singer of Queen, and will now lead a much-deserved life of leisure.

To those of you in the snowstorm’s way, I hope you stay safe and warm. Let’s savor this enchanted slow down, watch the snow fall, and reconnect with our childlike wonder.

Pics in Review

  1. Tranquil Space Dupont this morning
  2. Mookie’s first DC snowfall. He was not amused.
  3. Things looking up for Mookie at Tranquil Space.
  4. Meditation practice with a space heater
  5. Writing time at Calabash Tea & Tonic
  6. Time with my 52 Weeks of Tranquility Journal
  7. All geared up for Garth Brooks
  8. Sunny Florida
  9. Walking the beach
  10. Met a new friend, Ducky
  11. Amazing vegan brownie from Darbster in West Palm Beach
  12. A peek at my 12 years with Tim

Savvy Sources

Find More Time to Read
The Messy Minds of Creative People
What To Do If You Hit a Deer
Saying Yes to the Unknown
Prominent Scientists Declare “All Non-Human Animals are Conscious Beings”
How Steinbeck Used a Diary
Smart Pig Solves a Puzzle in Under a Minute
Tim Ferriss’ Use of Morning Pages
Terrified Cow Ran Through Queens and Has a Happy Ending
The Truth About How to Become a Morning Person
Susan Sontag’s Rereading as Rebirth
Create the Perfect Meditation Space at Home

Weekend Wish List

Bask in nature’s “Snowzilla
Warm fireside
Sip lots of tea
Do snowga at Tranquil Space

Et toi? What’s on your weekend wish list? Bisous. x