Week in Review {Pics + Links}

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Week in Review

Greetings from the lush woods of West Virginia. I’m here to host the annual spring Art + Yoga weekend retreat and the sun has decided to shine after days of rain. The leaves are a vibrant shade of lime green and birds are chirping nonstop—apparently all beings are excited about the rain’s reprieve.

This week felt oddly mishmashed with a glorious visit to the Georgia O’Keefe museum and final days of the Natalie Goldberg writing retreat in Santa Fe followed by  a 3am return to DC Monday and a day of meetings, seeing clients for three days, and then heading here to prepare for a weekend of hosting.

As the wind whips through the canopy outside, I’m putting the finishing touches on the weekend—writing names on washi tape, inserting pink and gold chevron straws into Mason jars, hanging bunting and twinkle lights, planting marigolds, distributing pink peonies and white candles around Tim’s cabin, stuffing goody bags, and readying myself for the group’s arrival.

These final few hours before the first car pulls into Tim’s drive are sacred. It’s my time to ground through yoga and meditation practices and create a respite for the soon-to-arrive city dwellers seeking tranquility in nature.

May this weekend offer you a chance to rest in whatever way you most need. Ask yourself and listen intently. x

Pics in Review

  1. Purple irises
  2. Buddha
  3. Planting flowers
  4. My boys

Savvy Sources

Ted Talk: Why Some of Us Don’t Have One True Calling
Why Self-Compassion Works Better Than Self-Esteem
The Truth About Your Clothing Donations
10 Phenomenal Reasons to Love Pigs
Yoga, Mindfulness + Writing a Book
First Graders Read to Shelter Pets
Thoreau On Defining Your Success
How to Prioritize Your To-Do List

Weekend Wish List

Set up and take down retreat decor
Host inspiring Art + Yoga Retreat in West Virginia
Breathe deeply
Give generously