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As some of you know, for the past few years I’ve been writing a memoiresque book. It started out as a business-building-and-challenges-behind-the-scenes book. Then I sold the yoga studio and it shifted into my transition to a new career and lifestyle in middle age.

Below is a *draft* synopsis of what I’m working on and I’d LOVE to hear what you think. Please share in the comments or email me directly. I want to write something useful, transparent, and meaningful, so your input is appreciated! x

PS Name of book TBD hence the [NAME OF BOOK] below.

[This first para was crafted by a writing friend, fyi]

From all outward appearances, Kimberly Wilson was the embodiment of the modern woman. At 26 she founded a yoga studio in her living room that became a million dollar business and went on to pen self-help books, host retreats around the globe, launch an eco-fashion clothing line, co-found a non-profit, and earn two master’s degrees. She had the whole mind-body-spirit thing figured out.

At least it looked like she did.

In truth, running a yoga studio was anything but tranquil. Behind the scenes she struggled with anxiety and depression, suffered multiple losses, underwent surgeries to heal physical injuries, and struggled running a business with her highly sensitive introverted personality.

Ultimately, she was brought to her knees. One night she did an internet search, surprising herself as she typed in the words: “What to do when you hate what you’ve created?” That’s the night she knew things had to change.

Follow her journey from building to unraveling an identity she’d outgrown by releasing what had defined her for nearly two decades. In [NAME OF BOOK] Wilson explores reinvention in midlife and offers invaluable lessons for anyone seeking a more authentic, tranquil way of life. This book offers encouragement to those interested in digging deep, unraveling, and starting over.