you’re invited . . .

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Tranquility Tour Tea * Wednesday, December 4 7-8:30pm * Tranquil Space {1632 17th Street, NW}

For years moi and le beau chatted about renting a camper and driving across North America. On September 11 we headed out on our adventure, returned nearly 10 weeks later, and are excited to share the adventure.

Join us for a show-and-tell of our two-month, 11,500-mile, 22-event adventure across the US and Canada in a vintage camper. See photos, hear stories, and be inspired to pursue your own wanderlust dreams. RSVP here.

Read more about the mission, charities, and reveal at Tea and treats will be served. Le pug may even make a guest appearance. Free event, donation to Tranquil Space Foundation or Farm Sanctuary welcomed.