“A Tranquil New Year” Free Event

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Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





Welcome to a brand new year! How’s it feeling so far? Slow and steady over here.

On New Year’s Day I spent 4 hours (!) in ballet classes and, yes, am incredibly sore and also most grateful for this beautiful movement practice.

I’m still in reflection and dreaming mode. You, too? There’s no rush!

While working on next Monday’s special Year in Review podcast, I made this Instagram reel sharing a variety of 2023’s tranquility-infused highlights. In the podcast I’ll also share how I had to “save me from myself” by signing up for this week’s five-day ballet intensive. Details to come on that one!

For now, please join me for a gentle dose of inspiration for the year ahead and a peek into the Coterie on Sunday, January 7 at 6 pm ET.

Save your spot HERE.

Bring your journal, pens, a cuppa tea, and an open heart! Show up live if you can. I’ll also send a replay within 48 hours of our gathering.

Cheers to a fresh start filled with possibility (similar to every single day—and moment—of our lives). Bisous. x