Go From Blah to Bloom

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Long to shake off the energetic heaviness of winter to reemerge feeling lighter and more vibrant in spring?

Me, too! This week early registration opens for the April 15 Spring Virtual Retreat Immersion. Go from blah to bloom during this three-hour experience!

Learn gentle yoga and meditation practices to nourish the soul, ways to detox your mind and body, how to create a wellness plan that works for your lifestyle, and my go-to self-care practices.

You’ll also leave with an action plan to help bring your spring dreams to life, renewed inspiration, and a sense of deep connection to yourself.

Here’s what Carrie had to say about her experience:

Wow! The retreat was tricky for me to fit in, but was EXACTLY what I needed. I have definite goals and would like to work on my action steps. I look forward to using my wish list to get me out of my little world more often. CONNECTION is my word of the year and I feel that strongly after this retreat. Thank you for creating such a safe and welcoming space.

Join the waitlist here and be the first to know when registration opens THIS WEEK with a just-for-you special bonus!

In the interim, please enjoy these journal prompts: How can I nourish myself this spring? What do I need most right now? What areas of my life need a dose of spring cleaning?

Wishing you wafts of lavender, sights of the moon, and sunshine on your skin. I look forward to welcoming the season with you at one of our upcoming April events.