The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do. ~Sarah Ban Breathnach
So after a crazy day, I spend the evening editing (doing) chapters 4-6 and plan (dreaming) to finish chapters 7-9 by next wednesday’s deadline. I stumbled upon this favorite quote of mine by the author of Simple Abundance. Isn’t it funny how life can begin to feel so overwhelming at times–dog gets sick (louis has a bald chin from overindulging on his bone), you feel achy, help is MIA, and to-dos continue to add up? It truly is so cyclical. However, this quote reminds me to keep dreaming, keep shooting for the stars, keep putting myself out there AND take action. Without dreaming, we’ll stay still. Without doing, our dreams will never be reality. In what small ways can you begin to dream AND do? So today wasn’t the best day. Well, take a hot bath, sip some chamomile tea, and write in your journal but . . . dust yourself off and start with a fresh face tomorrow. Happy dreaming and happy doing, my loves!