feelin’ guilty

love notes
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yesterday i read for hours, napped (despite waking up late), headed downtown to watch a documentary at the lovely e street theatre, hit H&M and barnes and noble beforehand, purchased 2 new books (JUST what i need), watched kurt cobain about a son (didn’t know much about him so interesting and well done film), then returned to the bookstore to capture the remaining 30 minutes that they kept the lights on, walked 30+ minutes home in the lovely chilly air while hitting mcdonalds (more fries and hot fudge sundae cravings), safeway (for some firewood), and CVS (to restock on multivitamins, mascara, and earplugs). when i got home, i finalized and submitted my piece for the examiner, then got online to check out a few books that i’d perused at the bookstore but didn’t purchase. yikes, next thing i know, 30 minutes has passed and i’m the proud owner of 4 more books. beau joked that he’s going to have to get some sort of parental control or something over my access to amazon.com. uh oh.

anyway, this guilt is arising out of taking down time, reading, being, and feeling totally low energy. i blame the changing weather and my desire (like much of nature) to begin a hibernation process – clearly mine is done through more books and sleeping. my to-do list is growing so i guess i’ll be returning to “normal” tonight after dinner with pals. but until then, my passion for being and reading and resting is top priority. anyone else feeling totally low energy? how are you handling the “screech to a halt” shift from the bustle of spring and summer? must run, have new books to read AND there is some silly pug event this afternoon that i gotta get louis all dolled up for. photos to come, for sure!