online community communication

love notes
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tranquilliT thoughts is now open to comments as a way to encourage questions, feedback, and dialogue within this amazing online community. i hope that tranquiliT thoughts will continue to serve as a source of inspiration to each of you seeking a tranquil space through yoga, self-care and living a full life based in intention.

here are a few of my favorite resources for inspiration:
the artist’s way by julia cameron
simple abundance by sarah ban breathnach
the e-myth by michael gerber
living your yoga by judith lasater
SEED handbook by lynne franks
3 black skirts by anna johnson
– all books by SARK
the four agreements by don miguel ruiz
the wisdom of no escape and the path of loving kindness by pema chodren
12 secrets of highly creative women by gail mcmeekin
living out loud by keri smith