ooh la la: i’m planning a sabbatical

love notes
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bonjour from the TranquiliT showroom.

as i sip my iced green moroccan mint tea, hear the beautiful sounds of classical music, and have my fresh linen candle burning, i want to reveal some exciting plans brewing within. about a month ago i began to ponder the notion of taking some time off. not just a jaunt here or there, but an actual step off the hamster wheel that i adore and am highly addicted to. after perusing obligations and committments through the end of 2009, i settled on november as my month.

i’ll be galivanting in paris for 10 days, will have just hosted tranquil space’s 10-year birthday bash, tranquil space foundation’s fall gala will be behind moi . . . so it felt like the perfect time. i have a few plans already set for november: teaching in montreal, baking cookies and greeting yogis on thanksgiving at tranquil space, and a 5-year birthday party for louis the pug. but it was the most unplanned month i could find so i’m doing it!

will probably linger at beau’s cabin for a bit, read oodles of books, and reflect on big picture: vision boards, journal writing, yoga, meditation. the idea of slowing down for a month sounds like just what the tranquility doctor ordered!

i hope you enjoy this darling photo of carolyn’s pup lola hanging with her planner pad!