preparing to leave colorado

love notes
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this morning was quick at the finale of the leadership training. i’m terribly full and feeling a little frustrated. can’t put my finger on the “why.” think there is just so much to process a TON of material and patience has never been a virtue of mine. i have absolutely loved the blending of mindfulness with the leadership process and look forward to the many weeks that are ahead – we finish in may.

i’m awaiting the lovely super shuttle to whisk me, my numerous buddhas, and meditation cushion to the airport. while checking e-mail pre-super shuttle, i was informed of this lovely review. reading this absolutely brightened my day and i wanted to share.

last night we had an aikido teacher come to our sessions. it was interesting to observe how the harder you resist or fight something, the easier it is to be knocked off balance. the more grounded and connect to breath i was, the easier it was to resist the push of my partner. a beautiful analogy for life.