hip tranquil chick podcast #40: get your yoga on at home

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HTC: July 17, 2006 Shownotes

Welcome to the 40th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. Produced from the Pink Palace in Washington, DC.

Today’s podcast is a yoga class to help you get your yoga on at home topped off with fun podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

Special thanks to Anji Bee for featuring the show on The Chillcast. The music during this practice includes tracks from Anji as a solo artist, and in her various projects including Lovespirals and Bitstream Dream. Check out Anji’s music at her MySpace page and her podcast at thechillcast.com!

Au revoir:

We’ve expanded the community to MySpace and Frappr, please connect with me virtually there, too!

View the summer edition of tranquiliT times! Get the tranquiliT times delivered straight to your inbox, keep abreast of upcoming events, and get pre-ordering info of the book at hiptranquilchick.com. Watch for scoop on hosting a Hip Tranquil Chick Signature Soiree with your fave gal pals when the book is released in November!

Have a burning question that you’d like hip and tranquil feedback on? E-mail me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com to have it featured and answered in our dear hip tranquil chick segment!

Be in touch—share your hip tranquil chickness with me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music—by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from the Podsafe Music Network. Today’s selection is High Price of Mistakes by Hungry Lucy. You can learn more this week’s featured artist, including how to get more of their music at hungrylucy.com.

Thanks for joining me for the 40th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

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