tranquility du jour #142: musing on journal writing

love notes
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Bonjour! Welcome to the 142nd edition of tranquility du jour: a guide to bringing tranquility to your every day.

Today’s show menu features happenings and musing on journal writing with Samara O’Shea, author of Note to Self: On Keeping a Journal and Other Dangerous Pursuits.

Workshops + Retreats: Join moi for a “New Year, New You” teleclass on January 5 and our next online creativity circle starting January 26 PLUS events around the globe: a day focused on creating a fabulous 2009 at our 2nd annual new year’s gala, workshops in Asheville and Montreal, a luxurious weekend of tranquility and creativity at our 3rd Annual Hip Tranquil Chick retreat in a lovely farmhouse not far from NYC March 27-29, 2009, a decadent retreat to Costa Rica over Memorial Day, and another tranquility-filled week at Kripalu August 9-14, 2009. All the scoop is on my workshops page.

Featured eco-luxe TranquiliT
: lavender-scented eyepillow.

Featured guest: Samara O’Shea is an outspoken advocate on behalf of the written word. She is the author of Note to Self: On Keeping a Journal and Other Dangerous Pursuits and For the Love of Letters: A 21st-Century Guide to the Art of Letter Writing. She also runs a letter-writing service at

Chic Community: Mingle on our forums, Facebook, Twitter, and

Savvy sources:,

Au Revoir: To close out the show, we’re playing Jingle Bells by Dean Martin and Dan the Automator from Promonet. You can learn more about their music in the shownotes.

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