tranquility du jour #147: getting a freelance life

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Bonjour! Welcome to the 147th edition of tranquility du jour: a guide to bringing tranquility to your every day.

Today’s show menu features happenings and musing on the freelance life with Michelle Goodman.

Workshops + Retreats: Join moi for our next le chic teleclass chat Bloom into Spring on March 23 PLUS events around the globe: a luxurious weekend of tranquility and creativity at our 3rd Annual Hip Tranquil Chick retreat in a lovely farmhouse not far from NYC March 27-29, a decadent retreat to Costa Rica over Memorial Day, a summer solstice staycation in DC on June 20, and another tranquility-filled week at Kripalu August 9-14, 2009. All the scoop is on my workshops page.

Featured eco-luxe TranquiliT: 50% off your ENTIRE TranquiliT order 2.22 and 3.1 only. Use code AUREVOIR because we’re saying “Au Revoir to Winter” and ready to welcome spring! Join TranquiliT’s facebook page.

Featured guest: Michelle Goodman
Michelle Goodman is the author of The Anti 9-to-5 Guide: Practical Career Advice for Women Who Think Outside the Cube and My So-Called Freelance Life. Her articles and essays about alternative careers, human mating rituals, and cultural trends have graced media outlets such as,,, The Seattle Times, BUST, Bitch, The Bark, and several anthologies. In her sixteen years as a full-time freelancer, she’s had the opportunity to wrangle text about computer games, marital aids, dog pajamas, home colonics, and just about anything else that can be sold. She lives in Seattle with her eighty-pound lapdog, Buddy. For more scoop on the so-call
ed freelance life, visit her blog at

Chic Community: Mingle on our forums, Facebook, Twitter, tranquility du jour on demand, and

Au Revoir: To close out the show, we’re playing Make Like Mine by Karmakoda from Promonet. You can learn more about their music here.

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