tranquility du jour #163: do-gooding with rebecca kousky

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Bonjour. Welcome to the 163rd edition of Tranquility du Jour: a guide to bringing tranquility to your every day. Today’s show menu features happenings and do-gooding with Rebecca Kousky.

Tranquilology Teleclass: Join moi for our next tranquilology teleclass “New Year, New You” on Monday, January 4 at 9pm ET. $10. View petals from summer’s teleclass.
Workshops + Retreats: Tranquil Space 10-year birthday bash on October 30. Join moi in Montreal at the lovely Centre de Luna November 7 + 8. Consider the 3rd annual New Year’s Gala on January 9, 4th annual Hip Tranquil Chick retreat March 26-28, and a week long sojourn to lush Costa Rica May 29-June 5. All the scoop is on my workshops page.
Featured Tranquilista:
Rebecca Kousky is the founder and executive director of Nest. Nest is a St. Louis-based nonprofit that provides microfinance loans to women in developing countries to begin or maintain art or craft-based businesses. Nest funds these loans by partnering with artists and designers from around the world who create exclusive, one-of-a-kind merchandise available for sale on the Nest website and at selected boutiques across the country. These successful artists also act as mentors to loan recipients, thereby establishing a community of artists helping artists the world over.

Rebecca holds a BA from Wake Forest University in North Carolina and a MSW from Washington University. Having built an international nonprofit from conception to reality, she has the passion, experience and expertise to be both a mentor and an inspiration for students young and old. She currently resides in Washington, D.C.

Savvy Sources:

Look for Rebecca as a featured “model muse” in my new book Tranquilista

Signature Eco-Style: Fall fashion is fabulous. Featured “Look of the Podcast” is beloved organic bamboo shawl. Watch TranquiliT’s video featuring oodles of ways to wear.  Join TranquiliT’s mailing list to learn about sales, new designs, and more. Follow TranquiliT on twitter. Become a fan. Add TranquiliT to your blog and become an Affiliate. Help spread tranquility and join our Tribe.

Stay Au Courant: Join our Facebook group. Become my Facebook friend. Follow moi on Twitter. Download Tranquility du Jour on demand. Watch bi-weekly Tranquility du Jour TV on Explore mentoring with moi. Peruse my first book Hip Tranquil Chick. Deepen your yoga practice at Tranquil Space. Get your do-gooding on with Tranquil Space Foundation. Sign up for my museletter. Peruse my second book Tranquilista.

Challenge: Send moi photos of you getting your artist date on and I’ll share them with our readers. The most creative artist date photo/write up received by December 21 (the winter solstice) will receive a complimentary mentoring session plus my newest Tranquility-to-Go yoga CD. Create away + do share!

Omwork: Volunteer. Smile. Donate to a cause. Bid on a fab find at Tranquil Space Foundation’s online auction. Come hear Rebecca speak at Tranquil Space Foundation’s Gala THIS Thursday. Adopt an animal. Give a sincere compliment. Be a daily do-gooder.

Au Revoir: To close out the show, we’re playing Pretending by Sweet Trip from promonet. You can learn more about them at

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