tranquility du jour #166: do-gooding + having fun with britt bravo

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Bonjour. Welcome to the 166th edition of Tranquility du Jour: a guide to bringing tranquility to your every day. Today’s show menu features happenings and musings on do-gooding + having fun with Britt Bravo.

Tranquilology Teleclass: Join moi for our next tranquilology teleclass “New Year, New You” on Monday, January 4 at 9pm ET. $10. View petals from summer’s teleclass.

Workshops + Retreats: Consider the New Year’s Gala on January 9 in DC, online creativity circle in January, Hip Tranquil Chick retreat March 26-28, a week long sojourn to lush Costa Rica May 29-June 5, and Kripalu July 5-9. All the scoop is on my workshops page.
Featured Tranquilista:

Britt Bravo is a social web consultant and career coach who helps artists, entrepreneurs and nonprofits realize their big visions and be a powerful force for good.  She writes for five blogs: Have Fun Do Good, BlogHer, The Extraordinaries, WE tv’s WE Volunteer blog, and the Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship blog.  She also produces the Big Vision Podcast and the Arts and Healing Podcast, and hosts Echoing Green’s podcast, Be Bold: Create a Career with Impact. Bravo is a frequent speaker and trainer who has presented at events such as the Craigslist Foundation Nonprofit Boot Camp, Bioneers Conference, Stanford Women’s Leadership Conference, San Francisco Writers Conference, Global Engagement Summit, and the BlogHer Conference. Her personal blog, Have Fun * Do Good, is one of the top twenty blogs on the List of Change, and her Twitter feed is on Social Edge’s list of Top 100 Tweeps to Follow.  In 2007, her local paper, the East Bay Express, named her the Best Podcaster/Blogger Most Dedicated to Social Change.

You can find out more about her work at, connect with her on Twitter at @bbravo and on Facebook at

Savvy Sources:
Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul by Stuart Brown
Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn
Mobilizing Generation 2.0: A Practical Guide to Using Web 2.0 Technologies to Recruit, Organize and Engage Youth by Ben Rigby
CauseWired: Plugging In, Getting Involved, Changing the World by Tom Watson
Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations by Clay Shirky
Beth’s Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media by Beth Kanter
NetSquared, An Initiative of TechSoup: Remixing the Web for Social Change

Signature Eco-Style: Fall fashion is luxe. Featured “Look of the Podcast” is the fabulous flare skirt pant. Watch TranquiliT’s video featuring oodles of ways to wear.  Join TranquiliT’s mailing list to learn about sales and new designs. Follow TranquiliT on twitter. Become a fan. Add TranquiliT to your blog and become an Affiliate. Help spread tranquility and join our Tribe.

Stay Au Courant: Create a home practice. Join our Facebook group. Become my Facebook friend. Follow moi on Twitter. Download Tranquility du Jour on demand. Watch bi-weekly Tranquility du Jour TV on Explore mentoring with moi. Peruse Hip Tranquil Chick. Deepen your yoga practice at Tranquil Space. Get your do-gooding on with Tranquil Space Foundation. Sign up for my museletter. Reserve a signed copy of Tranquilista. Join Tranquilista’s fan page.

Challenge: Send moi photos of you getting your artist date on and I’ll share them with our readers. The most creative artist date photo/write up received by December 21 (the winter solstice) will receive a complimentary mentoring session plus my newest Tranquility-to-Go yoga CD. Create away + do share!

Omwork: Explore ways to do good + have fun!

Au Revoir: To close out the show, we’re playing Ou Est Ma Tete? by Pink Martini from promonet. You can learn more about them at

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