tranquility du jour #169: the way of the happy woman

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Bonjour. Welcome to the 169th edition of Tranquility du Jour: A Guide to Bringing Tranquility to your Every Day. Today’s show menu features happenings and musings on “the way of the happy woman” with Sara Avant Stover.

Tranquilology Teleclass: Join moi for our next Tranquilology Teleclass “Bloom into Spring” on Monday, March 22 at 9pm ET. $10. View petals from winter’s teleclass.
Workshops + Retreats: Consider the Online Creativity Circle on January 19, Hip Tranquil Chick Retreat March 26-28 in NY, a Virtual Art Retreat with Wish Studio’s Creative Cast April 30-May 2, a week long Yoga Lifestyle Retreat in lush Costa Rica May 29-June 5, and a Tranquilista Retreat at Kripalu July 5-9.

Featured Tranquilista:
Sara Avant Stover, founder of The Way of the Happy Woman™, helps modern women reconcile their femininity with their worldly success to retrieve true and lasting personal happiness—beyond their body size, relationships, and careers –by connecting with their inner radiance through yoga, meditation, and balanced living. Sara took her first yoga class at age 18 and knew immediately that she would someday devote her life to teaching. By her early 20’s, yoga was such a big part of Sara’s life, that she moved to Chiang Mai, Thailand where she lived for 9 years and served as one of the pioneer yoga teachers in that part of the word. To date, Sara has taught some 3,000 student in over a dozen different countries. She is a prolific writer whose articles have been featured in half a dozen magazines including Yoga Journal, Yogi Time Business, Pilates Style, The Huffington Post, Natural Solutions, and Fit Yoga. Sara is now based in Boulder, Colorado. Visit her website For a free audio download from Sara on how to live in your core feminine essence, visit:

Savvy Sources:
Free Yoga for PMS CD:
Virtual Women’s Circle:
Women’s Yoga Home Study Program:
Women’s Yoga Teacher Training:
Twitter: @wayofhappywoman

Stay Au Courant: Create a home practice. Join our Facebook group. Become my Facebook friend. Follow moi on Twitter. Download Tranquility du Jour on demand. Watch bi-weekly Tranquility du Jour TV on Explore mentoring with moi. Peruse Hip Tranquil Chick. Deepen your yoga practice at Tranquil Space. Get your do-gooding on with Tranquil Space Foundation. Sign up for my museletter. Order a signed copy of Tranquilista. Join Tranquilista’s fan page.

Challenge: Send moi photos of you getting your artist date on and I’ll share them with our readers. The most creative artist date photo/write up received by March 21 (the spring equinox) will receive a complimentary mentoring session. Create away + do share!

Au Revoir: To close out the show, we’re playing Wonder by karmacoda. You can learn more about the fabulous Heather Pierce and more at

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