tranquility du jour #183: ayurveda

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tranquility du jour #183: ayurveda (mp3)
Bonjour. Welcome to the 183rd edition of Tranquility du Jour: A Guide to Bringing Tranquility to your Every Day. Today’s show features happenings and musings on ayurveda with Monica Bloom.

DC Book signings: Join me on Monday, April 26 through Ladies Who Launch DC and on Thursday, April 29 in Tranquil Space’s tea lounge.

Workshops + Retreats: Consider joining moi on the Virtual Art Retreat with Wish Studio’s Creative Cast April 30-May 2, a week long Yoga Lifestyle Retreat in lush Costa Rica May 29-June 5, a Tranquilista Retreat at Kripalu July 5-9, Denver workshops July 16-17, and a Yoga Retreat in India November 12-21.

Featured Tranquilista: Monica Bloom is an Ayurvedic practitioner, lecturer, writer, and creator of the Ayurvedic blog, A Blooming Resource on Ayurveda, reaching readers worldwide. And, when the world responds, “Ayur-what?!,” Monica explains the foundation and benefits with ease. Ayurveda is the sister science to yoga, only it focuses on the rest of life. It recognizes us as individuals and promotes balance in our physical, mental, and emotional bodies through diet and lifestyle management. Monica’s dharma is to promote Ayurveda so that we can become a healthier, wiser, and balanced world.

Monica takes a light-hearted approach to life and Ayurveda is no exception. Her purist delivery of ancient wisdom fused with Midwest humor and practicality makes Monica an impactful entertaining healer. She graduated with a Diploma of Ayurvedic Sciences in April 2009 and in early 2010 traveled to India to advance her studies. Prior to finding Ayurveda, Monica lived the corporate life as an art director and in her quest to help people, became an ACE certified personal trainer. Monica provides Ayurvedic consultations for clients nationwide and speaks at bookstores, yoga studios, and private events around Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Savvy Sources:

What’s your dosha?

Signature Style: The ballet-inspired spring collection in en pointe pink, sugarplum purple, and noir featuring the flare leggy. Whimsical, girly, feminine, and fun!

Stay Au Courant:
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Tranquilology Teleclass: Join moi for our next Tranquilology Teleclass “Frolicking into Fall” on Monday, September 20 at 9pm ET. $10. View petals from a previous teleclass.

Au Revoir: To close out the show, we’re playing Numbers by Elizabeth Shepherd. You can learn more about her music at

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