tranquility du jour #251: this i know

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Welcome to the 251st edition of Tranquility du Jour. Today’s show features Susannah Conway, author of this month’s online book club pick, This I Know.

Workshops + Retreats: Join moi for a tranquilologie experience. Immerse yourself in the study of tranquility with scents of lavender, lots of love, and dollops of sparkles thrown in. Below are a few options.


1:1 Mentoring 
* Creative + Conscious Business E-course
* Tranquilologie: A DIY Sprinkling of Everyday Tranquility E-course+ 
(+new issue releases 1st of each month)
* Tranquil Space Lifestyle E-course


* 4-week Living Your Yoga Series in DC 
* PIGS 20th Anniversary Fete in DC September 19
* 7-week Fall Creativity Circle in DC October 2
* 4-week Tranquility Project E-course October 10
* Art + Yoga Cabin Retreat in West Virginia October 12-14 (4 spots left)
* Tranquil Space Foundation Celebration in DC October 24
* Art Journaling Playshop in DC November 4
* Yoga Retreat in India November 16-25

* Art + Yoga in Provence May 25-June 1
* Art, Shopping + Yoga in Paris June 5-9

Featured Tranquilista: Susannah Conway

Hello! I’m Susannah.

I’m a photographer and author, and I create e-courses that help you reconnect to your true self. A Polaroid addict and very proud aunt, my first book, This I Know: Notes on Unraveling the Heart, hit bookshelves in June 2012. I live in the UK and sound a bit like Kate Winslet (so I’m told — it could be worse, non?).

I hold an HND in fine art photography and a first-class degree in journalism, and spent many years in London working as a fashion editor and freelance journalist. So that’s the boring career stuff out of the way.

What got me started on this path?

My life, as I now know it, began in the spring of 2005 when the man I loved died very suddenly from a heart attack.

Thirteen months into my grieving I started writing a blog called Ink on my fingers. Blogging was (and continues to be) a way to share my heart and was incredibly healing, reopening the door to my creativity while connecting me to other souls around the world.

A trip to the USA in November 2006 rekindled my passion for photography. Surrounded by so many new sights, the camera focussed my attention on the present, taking me out of my grief and allowing me to connect with how I was feeling in the moment.

It was a revelation.

Returning home I threw myself into digital photography, learning new skills and taking photos every day.  Lately I’ve been shooting solely with film again, but whether it’s analogue or digital, I find that photography is a form of meditation for me.

As I moved through the stages of grief I unravelled layer after layer of my self, a painful yet ultimately healing process. It was therapy, the ocean and my renewed passion for photography that stitched me back together again, with a profoundly changed view of the world and my place in it.

Why Unravelling?
On January 1st 2007 I started a new photography blog and wanted to find a title that encapsulated my photography philosophy and where I was in my life at that point. Unravelling was the word I chose as it perfectly described both my healing path and my picture-making processes: unravelling… letting go… peeling back the layers to find the real beauty inside.

In 2008 I developed and started teaching a personal development class locally called Unravelling: Ways of Seeing My Self. Emboldened by the success of that first class, I launched Unravelling online, offering my first e-course in January 2009, with the sequel following in May 2010. Wanting to share more about my photography practice I launched Photo Meditations: Infusing your Images with Soul in November 2011 and February 2012 saw the launch of my newest creation, Blogging from the Heart.

Thousands of women from around the world have joined together to unravel and heal their lives, their dreams and themselves. It’s such an honour to be able to do this work.

Savvy Sources: 
Twitter: @susannahconway

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Signature Style: TranquiliT is a line of layers in rayon made from organic bamboo and designed by moi. We sew locally, are a proud member of 1% for the Planet, and plant 150 trees monthly while also donating a portion of proceeds to Tranquil Space Foundation, Pigs Animal Sanctuary, and Nest. In addition, we offer vintage and reclaimed goodies because it doesn’t get more eco than reusing! 

Come see us at DC’s Greenfestival September 29 + 30. Save the date for our fall “Breakfast at TranquiliT” Pop Up Shop on Saturday, October 20 10-2 chez moi.

watercolor by mary catherine starr

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 Techy stuff:

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