Tranquility du Jour #407: The Writing Process

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The Writing Process with Kim Manganelli. In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, we chat about her journey to becoming a lit professor, work with the Amherst Writers & Artists method, creation of Wisteria (formerly Wildflower) writing workshops, plus writing struggles and advice.

Tranquility du Jour #407: The Writing Process with Kim Manganelli


Direct download: Tranquility du Jour #407: The Writing Process

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Yoga + Mindfulness Mini Retreat in DC: December 31

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Yoga + Art in West Virginia: May, 2018 TBA

Featured Guest: Kim Manganelli

Kim Manganelli is an Associate Professor of nineteenth-century literature at Clemson University and a novelist in progress. She is a Certified Leader of the Amherst Writers and Artists method whose Wisteria Writing Workshops give writers of all levels of education and experience a safe and playful space to get their words out of their heads and onto the page. She currently lives in Greenville, SC but is always dreaming of Paris. Visit her online at


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