Tranquility du Jour #417: Main Street Vegan Cookbook Part 1

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Main Street Vegan Cookbook Part 1 with JL Fields. In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, JL Fields and I discuss changes post-40, healthy dishes, and her journey into veganism.

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Direct download: Tranquility du Jour #417: Main Street Vegan Cookbook Part 1

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Featured Guest: JL Fields

JL Fields is an author, culinary instructor, columnist, speaker, activist, and radio personality. She is the founder and director of the Colorado Springs Vegan Cooking Academy, the author of numerous books and co-author of Vegan for Her and Main Street Vegan Academy Cookbooks. She is also a brands consultant for a variety of national companies and food associations.

The publisher of, JL has received culinary training at the Natural Gourmet Institute and the Christina Pirello School of Natural Cooking and Integrative Health Studies. She is a Main Street Vegan Academy-certified Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator and a certified Food for Life instructor with Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. JL, along with her husband, Dave, and their rescued cat, Oliver, lives in Colorado Springs.

Savvy Sources

Find JL Fields


Mentioned in Podcast

JL’s Recipes
History of Soy
Vega powder
TDJ Live Spring 2018

Compassion is the new black tee

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