
Gather your journal, cuppa tea, and markers to savor sacred hour just for you. Take a few deep breaths, let’s do some stretching, and settle in.

Learn eight NEW tranquility tips, meet Gizmo, Mookie and Belle Starr {my 4-legged rescue pugs}, spend time in reflection, and be inspired to infuse your new year with a splash of tranquility.

Originally recorded January 6, 2019. Includes streaming video, downloadable or streamable mp3 audio and a full-color PDF Playbook with download.

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Testimonial: Just wanted to tell you how much I loved he New Year TDJ live last night. So much of what you said was resonating with me. The petal choices this time were fantastic and helped clarify how 2018 dreams go from a dream to life. The accompanying work sheets were so helpful and will be moving forward into 2018. One of the extra petals really resonated with me as I had come to the same thought last week while doing my morning pages — the idea of self-compassion and to be gentle with ourselves. It is easy to beat (not the best word) ourselves for not following through, staying up too late, eating too much of sugar, etc but that is not good. Some extra legs up the wall, water with mint or cucumbers, non-caffeinated tea is the better choice.—Kirsten

TDJ Live: New Year 2019

