happy sparkly hollydaze!

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your presence is requested at tomorrow’s holiday party! come celebrate local designers, holly day cheer, and free 5-minute chair massage. i used to have the studio holiday parties in my living room and my chubby black cat would sit in the middle of the floor growling at the party goers. my how we’ve evolved!

while recording two new fabulous interviews today, i was introduced to this great time management tool myhours.com that i wanted to share. ever wonder where your time goes? use this site to figure it out!

make your holidays shine with these 10 sparkly tips:

1. don false eyelashed laced with glitter (wegmans, $3.99)

2. don sparkly shadow

3. decorate with sparkly snowflakes – hang them from windows, ceilings, door handles

4. don sparkly lip gloss

5. sip bubbly vueve clicquot laced with peach snapps

6. wrap yourself in a sparkly scarf

7. let your personality shine – no bah humbugging allowed

8. wear sparkly tights

9. add sparkly bangles over your armwarmers

10. black patent, gold matte, or silver shoes always shine