Have you found the perfect TranquiliT piece but – gasp!- it is out of stock? Don’t worry!
To make your shopping experience more tranquil than ever, TranquiliT.com now offers you the ability to backorder any item you want. Backordering is the perfect option to get the items you need to have for the season. All you need to do is:
1) Select the item/color/size you want
2) When the backorder pop-up appears, click OK
3) Proceed through checkout & you’re done!
TranquiliT will handle the rest – when your item has become available again, TranquiliT will automatically ship it out to you and you won’t have to worry about coming back to check the site every day. Backordering will also put your order ahead of any orders that come in after the stock is replenished, to ensure that your order is filled first.
So go ahead – order that Hoodie you’ve been dying to get and we’ll take care of the rest!