photos in this week’s fave TranquiliT look (had to share the blooper!)
bonjour from bed. oui, woke up at 8:15 but haven’t moved far. ate breakfast here. spoke with family on the phone from here. sipped morning green tea from here. now musing from here. love. me. a. spontaneous. bed. day. wonder when (or if) i’ll don red lips and face the day? TBD.
hard to believe the hollydaze are officially here. i am over the moon about days of reading (brought 10 books + my new kindle), art journaling, and right brain business planning topped with oodles of napping. in addition, we have a day in new york planned and i may head back to chez moi one day early to do some deep organizing. either way, i’m feeling very blessed to have these extended moments of down time.
last night got a bit scary as my beloved 98-year-old gramma was hospitalized with pneumonia. after looking for last minute flights, i didn’t sleep well and awaited the update this morning. apparently she’s more coherent today and we’re all hoping for stabilization. this year has been hard on her and all of us. she is truly my hero. i mean, look at that freakin’ hat in the link above!! please keep her in your thoughts.
week in review:
4 yoga classes
tea dates with two beloved dc yogis
tea date with phillip’s collection ladies on exciting collaboration in august
hosted tranquil space hollyday fete
artist date at cafe green
hair trim and painting
oodles of manager and tranquil space foundation meetings
mentoring session over gnocchi and wine
2 days of internship at n street village
hollyday fete at blue duck tavern (where top 2 photos are from)
review of TranquiliT spring samples with jlo
hours of counting TranquiliT inventory with jlo
oodles of shipping TranquiliT
posting new j’adore TranquiliT tees
hollyday goodies for le beau including mint gym membership to accompany moi
posted inspiring SARK podcast
chatted with dear friend susan who shared oodles of biz inspiration
consumed oodles of chocolate
as the afternoon moves along and i continue to rest, i’m full of gratitude for the opportunity to rest and reflect. there has been a definite shift this year to releasing the “life is an emergency” mentality. i can’t put my finger on how it has happened but it is sure a welcomed shift.
may your hollydaze be full of good cheer sprinkled with tranquility. tips on how to do so are forthcoming. in the interim, feel your breath, eat your veggies (mixed with cookies), rest, and create an experience to remember. bisous.