i started the week in oklahoma and on saturday i head off to costa rica. what juxtaposition!
week in review:
– saw pops’ wheat fields
– began my “life list” and crafted with mum
– played cards with gramma (can you stand her hat?) and continue to relish in winning. is that wrong?!
– went to a hearing on the hill for social policy class: oddly exciting
– saw sex and the city 2 and loved it!
– finalized new tranquil space summer schedule: 4 new classes
– made tough decision to surrender teaching classes at tranquil space for the summer due to my travel + healing schedule. first time i won’t have taught weekly for 10.5 years. hope to return in september with bells on!
– got surgeon’s stamp of approval that i’m making good progress. he promised to “address” returning to exercise in 1 month. address? i thought it was a done deal!
– sent invites via paperless post for friend’s bebe shower
– savored writing at a sidewalk cafe
– mani, pedi, brow wax, cut, color
– packing for costa rica
– donned 2in1 ballet top over lounge short + tights (yep, every day this week – see photo above)
– 2 physical therapy sessions
– 2 social policy classes
– helpful therapy session: discussing oodles of transition bubbling up beneath the surface
– wheatgrass shot
– big TranquiliT wholesale handling for beloved body of santa fe
– said “au revoir” to tranquil space foundation programming chair, ana, who is moving to austin
i’m looking forward to spending time with the lovely ladies (+ beau) joining moi in costa rica. papaya, yoga, sunning poolside, reading, and napping await. i’ll be sure to send updates and wish each of you a rejuvenating holiday weekend.