a week to remember. between various challenges within my MSW program to taking the red eye (still recovering) and preparing to leave for india, it’s been an adventure!
the photos above are documentation of a very happy time with a beloved friend, beau, booksigning at emergency arts, and a tour of zappos in vegas on monday.
days have become blurs and i laugh that i used to think time was crunched. now it is smashed. literally. my desk/kitchen table has become a catch all for internship keys and paperwork, school books, TranquiliT orders to ship, mail, bills, thank you cards, meeting notes, planner pad, india paperwork, tranquil space foundation to-do folders and ideas, agendas for upcoming meetings, and financial docs to fill out for my accountant. i had to clear the way for a tranquil space foundation meeting chez moi on wednesday and i simply piled it all onto a chair. somehow, it felt better that way. ahhh, space.
as i count down the days to india, finalize a paper for school, and prep for a visit by mama wilson (joining moi on the india journey), i feel grateful to have the opportunity to sit down and write today. so cathartic and feels like a connection despite never really knowing who is at the other end of the blog. thank you for reading!
this week in review:
– zappos tour: read more about their awesome culture
– play, nap, and exploration time with dear friend and le beau in vegas
– seeing cirque show love
– being hosted at emergency arts for a booksigning with 20ish amazing women in attendance
– follow-up meeting with tranquil space foundation crew on celebration event success/ideas
– various emails, calls, and meetings re: internship
– tv interview with channel 9 re: taking on debt during the recession to expand tranquil space in 2008 featuring author kim palmer of generation earn (podcast forthcoming)
– teacher annual check-ins
– red eye back to dc + no nap = boo
– registration for spring MSW classes
– rescheduling many fun plans for weekend to finalize BIG paper due tuesday
– getting mama wilson signed up for a massage when she arrives
– shipping oodles of TranquiliT items from last week’s sale
– long, hot bath topped with LUSH product
– 2 yummy yoga practices where i was delighted to do a dhanurasana for the first time since shoulder surgery = BIG yay!
– 2 thumb “workouts” at physical therapy. only one more to go!
– picked up 10-year visa for ongoing india adventures
– reflected on october goals and explored november dreams
– wrote muse for tranquil space newsletter on coming hOMe to yoga
– set up another visit and donated more to the beloved pig sanctuary
despite the challenges, the week has been eye-opening, empowering, and engaging. must. see. glass. half. full. i’m beyond honored to live such a full life and will continue to grow, grow, grow. this IS yoga off the mat.
wishing each of you a beautiful weekend full of happiness. you deserve it.
bisous and gratitude,