Detox Diaries: Day Nine

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Today is the last day, so tomorrow will be the finale for Detox Diaries. A big thanks for following along, sending advice and words of encouragement. It takes a village!

Tuesday was spent hovered over a computer co-creating my new therapy website with Tim, interspersed with clients and a meeting to finalize my new therapy sublet space (details forthcoming). Since I barely left the house and we don’t keep “bad” food in the house, I was forced to behave.

Breakfast was the usual steel cut oats and green juice.

Lunch and dinner was another jaunt to Chipotle for their vegan sofritas bowl.

I snacked on homemade kale chips (thank god for a dehydrator and nutritional yeast) and a handful of walnuts.

On Monday I’d been given two chocolates with a belated holiday card. I set them on my desk as a reminder to send a thank-you note. While working late last night they caught my eye. And you probably know how the story ends.

My favorite part of this process has been observing how I was rarely hungry. The “good” foods filled me up and my biggest struggle is controlling my reaction to cravings.

The headaches have subsided. I haven’t had caffeine in a week and don’t miss it—only the morning ritual of drinking my favorite green teas.

While I haven’t gotten on the scale, my midsection does feel, well, less fluffy. Probably due to the missed baked goods. Although I haven’t been a model student, I’m grateful Tim and I plodded along. Thank you for cheering on the sidelines! Bisous. x

Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Day Four

Day Five

Day Six

Day Seven

Day Eight