Feeling Fall

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Bundling up in scarves, putting on boots, and adding tights to my summer dresses feels invigorating. Change is in the air. Nature’s dropping leaves and temperatures. There’s a whisper of slowing down and shedding all around me.

I’m writing an essay for Unstuck.com and reading If The Buddha Got Stuck: A Handbook for Change on a Spiritual Path by Charlotte Kasl (highly recommend), so the idea of stuckness and reflection is on my mind.

Kasl writes, “Getting unstuck is not a one-time endeavor because, as the moon waxes and wanes, life’s natural experiences of loss and change repeatedly challenge us to let go, shift our perceptions, and bring new ideas and plans into our lives.”

This serves as a reminder that  we’re continually straddling being and doing, change and stability, growth and stagnation. Evolution is not something we check off the list as completed because it’s ongoing. And this season feels ripe for deep exploration.

“Lose yourself. Escape from the black cloud that surrounds you. Then you will see your own light, as radiant as the full moon,” reminds Rumi. Shine brightly. Bisous. x
