tranquilosophy: ticking time

love notes
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this is my final spring break (unless i decide to get that desired PhD at some point) for a few years as i’m in the home stretch of my social work studies. two months and fini! oh, nevermind the LGSW exam i need to sit for (and fill out mounds of paperwork to simply apply for the exam) OR the 3,000 hours i need to complete before sitting for the second big exam. then i’m a therapist . . . at least according to dc licensing requirements. what a journey i began when making this decision to return to school in 2009 while sipping coconut juice in costa rica. here’s what i hope to do with it. 

i’d slated wednesday and thursday as my days post-montreal for oodles of writing and editing (including a school ethics paper due next week = yikes). instead i stayed up past my bedtime perusing lodging on air b and b, slept in, explored refinancing chez moi, swept the floor, requested graphic design projects, swept the floor again, and dreamed way into the future versus tackling the here and now. #fail.

as i danced around the house this morning making tea and expressing glee to my not-so-gleeful le beau (who is not on spring break) about how i had this spacious day ahead, i had no idea that time would pass so quickly. tick. tick. tick. i keep diving into tiny to-dos that i want to check off my list (such satisfaction) with heaps of browsers open and a desk of paperwork (and pets) while these much larger projects loom. relate? thought so. it’s a phenomenon.

have you heard of the pomodoro technique? i came across it via twitter and was drawn to the heading “how to induce a flow state on command.” it’s great article by a sweet blogger i met at world domination summit and the technique is intriguing. as i pull away from multiple browsers to focus and actually accomplish my bigger spring break tasks (fingers crossed), i encourage you, too, to observe that inner resistance that sometimes lies within. it’s a bit of a bully. give it a little kick in the pants or take a nap and begin anew. the clock continues to tick. bisous.