April in Review

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April in Review

Whew, well hello there, May! You’ve brought peonies and, for that, I’m incredibly grateful.

Last month was solid. I read books, wrote blog posts, released podcast episodes, hit four bookstores on Independent Bookstore Day, returned to yoga classes, took multiple ballet classes, enjoyed tea dates with friends, finalized the spring/summer TranquiliT lookbook, hit a beach in Cape May, reconnected with old friends, took Gizmo to the oncologist for a checkup, co-hosted Pigs, Pugs, and Peonies and raised $1299 for Life with Pigs Farm Sanctuary and Homeward Bound Pug Rescue, picked up apple blossoms at the farmers’ market, finished a veterinary social work module, donated my vintage camper, Miss Lillie, to charity, filed taxes (bleh), picked up impatiens, sweet potato vines, and a compost bin for the garden, and recorded new podcast interviews and YouTube videos.

As I look toward May and this summer, there’s lots of adventures ahead—another Garth Brooks concert, the Daybook release, glamping in the woods, Yoga + the Animals, TDJ Soiree, a Pignic at Farm Sanctuary, Tranquility in Tuscany, and a Tony Bennett concert. In addition to these experiences, I’ve set aside equal amounts of space for reflection, reading at home, and learning.

I’m finally finding that sweet spot between being and doing after unraveling old patterns and embracing new ones. Ah, life is nothing if not a continual growth opportunity, right?!

Wishing you a month of peonies, picnics, and process. Bisous. x

May Dreams

Declutter and donate 10 bags of items
Take 8 yoga and 4 ballet classes
Complete Daybook and announce launch
Have 30 guests at Yoga + the Animals
Sell-out TDJ Soiree [8 tickets left!]
Savor campfires and stars during Memorial Day weekend
Sing along to Garth Brooks in Pittsburgh
Plant impatiens and sweet potato vines
See friend in film Wild Nights with Emily
Improve hand lettering practice
Collaborate with clients
Read two books
Long walks with pups

Savvy Sources

How to Create a Healthier Workspace
21 Small Changes to Make for Better Sleep
Financial Self-Care Rituals
5 Ways to Write an Inspiring Manifesto
How I Shoot With My iPhone
A Portable Routine
Health Benefits of Community Parks
15 Plant-Based Recipes That Can Help With Inflammation
Packing for Paris