November in Review

love notes
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Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.—Edith Sitwell

Month in Review

Ah, November, you were sweet, swift, and succulent. From Paris cafes to ballet classes to sitting with clients, last month offered a variety of experiences.

En route to my own therapy appointment in the rain, I slammed on my brakes to avoid hitting the person in front of me who had stopped abruptly and my tea thermos spilled all over the Jeep console. This led to three trips to the shop, a dead battery, constant jumps because the new battery would also die, a malfunctioning electrical system, software updates (cars get updates now?!), and a parking brake that wouldn’t release so it could be towed.

It’s back to the shop and fingers crossed it’s really getting fixed this time. Funny how one brief moment can have such a ripple effect. Darn tea.

This month I finished an online Journal Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy class, met with mentoring and therapy clients, took ballet classes, wandered the streets of Paris, returned on Thanksgiving for a vegan meal with Tim, created and released the Year of Tranquility Entrepreneurship module, got lost in Paris, had another gum surgery (second side), created and reviewed a Tranquility du Jour survey (still chewing on it), released two podcasts, attended a Stargazing with Pigs event at Whispering Rise Animal Sanctuary, attended a Lady Farmer Slow Living Retreat (where I met those goats in the top photo), upset my Jeep’s electrical system, saw A Star is Born in Paris and cried (how did I not know it was sad?!), sent heaps of snail mail, and soaked in the tub daily.

As I turn my attention to the final month of the year, I’m feeling both pensive and hopeful. 2018 has offered so much—a new pug (GIZMO!), a full-time office space, Pigs & Pugs events, Year of Tranquility. I look forward to tying a bow around it this month with a combination of reflection, intention, and creation.

Wishing you a sacred and soft month. Let’s carve out space to celebrate, give and create experiences, hibernate as needed, and add a dash of lavender to our hot cocoa. As always, thanks for reading! Bisous. x

December Dreams

Take 10 yoga/ballet classes
Clarify a 2019 program offering
Solidify my vet social work program plans
Send two love notes to YOU
Release 3 podcasts
Fun weekend in NYC with friend
Host inspiring final Year of Tranquility module
Safe travels to and from West Virginia and Oklahoma
Collaborate with and support clients
Savor The Nutcracker performance and lunch date with friend
Productive Pigs & Pugs Project board meeting
Tea dates with friends
Santa pics with pups
Healed gums

Savvy Sources

15 Plant-Based Recipes to Fight Inflammation
How This Introvert Challenged Herself to Make Friends As An Adult
10 Reasons Why We Fail to Achieve Our Goals
How To Conduct Your Own Annual Review
Five Reasons Why Travel is Good for Your Mental Health
46 Ways to Give Experiences, Not Things
75 Consumable Gift Ideas
10 Books to Read—and Gift—in December
10 Ways to Give Back This Holiday Season