November in Review

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Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.—Lauren DeStefano

Month in Review

November was a beautiful month filled with an array of experiences—celebrating a 10-year “friendaversary” in NYC, honoring Tranquil Space’s 18th year, spending a weekend in a tiny house, teaching a charity class and then enjoying a veg Thanksgiving in the woods, collaborating with clients, hosting a Facebook Live, decluttering my closet (see ya six donated bags and boxes), sipping wine midafternoon at dog-friendly wineries, and doing lots of homework for my memoir course, vet social work program, and positive psychology training.

It’s hard to believe we’re now into our 2017 finale. Earlier today I got excited to pen my 2018 dreams and I had to remind myself to focus on wrapping up 2017 first. Tim likes to call me “ready, fire, aim.”

And in his latest mention of it, he may have been referencing Mr. Gizmo (last photo above). Gizmo’s a one-eyed, 10-year-old pug with Homeward Bound Rescue in Oklahoma—the same rescue who graced us with Mookie and Belle Starr. I fell in love with him on Instagram (don’t judge) and just happen to be going home to Oklahoma in two weeks so I’ll get to meet him. Fingers crossed it’s a fit. Mookie’s the wild card in the whole equation and I think I’ve kinda got Tim’s buy in. Kinda.

I’ve been moving in and out of eating pretty this past month and hope to get back on the bandwagon. I even signed up for a Vegan Master Course with Victoria Moran in August. Breakfast was a green smoothie, but I’m super duper craving vegan nachos now. Hmmm. Guess it’s all about balance.

Also, I have three books to read to complete my Goodreads Reading Challenge. Since I’m reading about 30 books and happen to be on approximately page 40 with each of them, if I focus on actually completing three, surely I can get my gold star on Goodreads. Yes, that’s what motivates me!

Thank you, November, for the memories. I’m excited to see what December has in store and to tie a pretty pink bow around 2017! It’s been a year of uncertainty, transition, and expansive possibility. Bisous. x

December Wish List

Finish 6-month memoir course
Safe travels
Savor Christmas in Paris
Collaborate with clients
Complete more of my veterinary social work program
Host inspiring Yoga + Creativity session {done!}
Host inspiring Yoga + Mindfulness Mini Retreat
Sit with Sharon Salzberg & Sylvia Boorstein {done!}
Meet + maybe adopt Gizmo {the one-eyed wonder in the last photo above}
Enjoy time with parents in Oklahoma
Visit Longwood Gardens
Productive Pigs & Pugs Project Board meeting
Learn lots at positive psychology weekend workshop
Host fun Daybook Playshop for those who pre-ordered
Release info on new Tranquility du Jour offering for 2018 {SO excited!}
Release two podcasts

Savvy Sources

Plant-Based Eating Made Easy
If You’re Tired All the Time {she shares after sleeping 12 hours}
5 Things That Happen When You Put Your Phone Down
I Was a Guest on A Healthy Curiosity Podcast
5 Tricks to Cut Your Morning Routine in Half
The Clarity and Truth in Winter’s Scarcity
4 Mantras to Deal with Awkward Holiday Moments
30 Ways to Take Care of Yourself Over the Holidays
6 Sanctuaries Every Animal Lover Needs to Visit
14 Simple DIY Holiday Gift Ideas
Why Writing About Your Anxiety is Helpful
I Was a Guest on Tribe Grow {Interview about Yoga, Therapy, Animals}