Week in Review {Pics + Links}

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Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





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This week was Week 45 of 52 Weeks of Tranquility. Amazing how quickly 2015 has gone. I guess we say this every year {especially as we get older}, but this one seems to have been particularly fast. I mean, how is it already holiday time?

Counting the weeks through the 52 Weeks of Tranquility offering has helped put the speed into perspective and serves as a gentle reminder to slow.

I think it may be my theme for the year ahead. Slow. Down. Take the time to savor experiences, meals, connections, and moments.

Tranquility du Jour Daybook 4.0‘s are en route. They were delivered to Tranquil Space on a big pallet, so Tim and I hauled them inside and placed them into envelopes decorated with a sticker and washi tape. It’s the little things.

Next we transported them home, inserted thoughtful reusable treats, sealed, addressed, and dropped them at the Post Office. It was a group effort. Although they shipped Tuesday, Wednesday was a holiday in the US so the first recipients had them in their mailboxes yesterday. I’ve already heard from a few of you!

Please share your receipt and unveiling by snapping a photo and posting online (#tdjdaybook) or emailing it to me. I love seeing them in their new happy homes. It’s truly my favorite edition yet.

Thank you so much for your support. We have 50 copies left and a reminder that the Daybook e-course launches November 30.

A Peek into Last Week’s Journey

  1. Tranquility du Jour Daybook 4.0 arrived
  2. Tranquility du Jour Daybook 4.0 shipped
  3. A yummy new green tea blend with rose, chamomile, and lavender
  4. Tranquil Space
  5. Mookie pensive
  6. Jackson confused

Savvy Sources

How to Take the Perfect Instagram Photo
Vegan Thanksgiving in an Hour
Couple Lives on 6% of Their Income So They Can Donate 100K to Charity
The Art of Observation
How to Write with Style: 8 Tips by Kurt Vonnegut
What People Think and What Really Counts by Dani Shapiro
Henry Millers 11 Commandments of Writing and Daily Creative Routine

Weekend Wish List

Serve at Hospice
Savor movie date night with Tim
Experience 3 doses of yoga
Teach inspiring mindfulness workshop
Tea time with girlfriend
Productive Directors’ meeting