week in review

love notes
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week in review:
sang along at kirtan fundraiser for japan
took 5 yoga classes
1 gym jaunt
taught 1 meditation class
took 1 meditation class
taught yoga
6 hours of school
2 days of internship
wrote 4 papers = wowza
soaked in lush-filled baths
crafted spring goals
savored date night w/ le beau at n street village gala
read fab article on DIY fashion blogs
shipped spring TranquiliT orders
dyed 19 organic cotton tees 
posted oodles of things i love
shared podcast interview w/ lovely tara sophia mohr
met with comps study group (test 1 week from today = ahhhh!)
savored a quick artist date to miss pixies (and snapped above photos)
dreamed of vintage shopping
received parisian chic + squealed with joy
manager meeting
cuddled with le pug
fell super-duper behind on email (today is catch up day. le sigh.)
ate papaya
read lots of onward on my kindle = j’adore
donned my new pink bike helmet + zipped around town on my pink cruiser
weekend wishlist:
dig out of email hole
study, study, study
write 1 paper
gym jaunt
indulge in yin yoga
indulge in meditation
take deep breaths . . . often
read for pleasure
et toi? what’s on your weekend wishlist? 
bisous. x