Week in Review

love notes
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Week in Review

Taught 1 yoga class
Took 2 yoga classes
Spent day sleeping off achy body
Got springy nude mani and pink pedi
Got my hair did
Hospice volunteer training
Sent love note with Week 8 of 52 Weeks of Tranquility
Released Tranquilosophy: Week 8
Vet visit with neurologist {Le Pug got an A+}
Call with Teacher Director
Dentist appointment {yay clean teeth}
Afternoon date with Le Beau at local tavern
Saw 16 beautiful clients at The Women’s Center
Reviewed February dreams in Daybook {see above pic}
Penned March’s dreams in Daybook {see above pic}
Social work supervision
Took Le Pug to his favorite bakery
Penned Wednesday Well-being: Life Lately
Penned numerous snail mail notes
Had an interview with a local journalist
Spent time with my journal
Consumed heaps of Saltines and Ginger Ale
Experienced great longing for spring blooms {et toi?}
Wrapped and shipped online orders with love
Worked on Costa Rica retreat confirm
Biked 6 miles
Handled burst water pipe at 1am {involving visit from firemen}

Weekend Wish List

Host inspiring Yoga + Branding workshops at Expo
Host inspiring mentoring session
Crystallize upcoming shoot plans with photographer
Survive two barre classes
Treat Le Beau to Hall and Oates concert
Read, write, and rest

Et toi? What’s on your weekend wish list? Bisous. x