Week in Review

love notes
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11203181_1468461080115183_1972251612_na shot of the babbling stream on my last night at the retreat center
11247032_141742546158073_1112321339_nour route to Mookie

Week in Review

Packed for 10 days away
Took yoga
Date night with Tim
Finalized and ordered TranquiliT’s four new fab fall colors {reveal forthcoming}
Traveled from DC to upstate NY for training
Soaked up six days of MBSR teacher training
50+ hours of seated meditation, mindful movement, and practice teaching
Connected with a lovely group of fellow trainees from all over North America
Shared a peek at the training
Released Week 28 {PM Routine} of 52 Weeks of Tranquility
Traveled from NY en route to OK to get Mookie
Slept a few hours at a rest stop in Missouri
Penned in my journal
Read more of Spinster and Full Catastrophe Living
Saw a fuschia-infused sunset in Indiana {possibly the most beautiful I’ve ever seen}

Weekend Wish List

Meet Mookie {still on the road, 5 hours to go}
Help acclimate Mookie to his new world
Savor time with parents
Enjoy an Oklahoma sunset
Prepare for Monday’s return journey back to DC

Et toi? What’s on your weekend wish list? Bisous.