Week in Review

love notes
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Week in Review

Hola from Costa Rica. Wednesday night I hosted our retreat group on the deck of a suite I’m sharing with Mom. Twinkle lights (yes, I traveled with them), candles, and wine contributed to a makeshift happy hour fête before dinner. This sweet evening culminated with a vegan chocolate cake topped with strawberries.

When I requested the special cake, the cook asked if it was someone’s birthday. “Nope,” I replied, “simply a celebration.”

It was a good reminder to celebrate every day versus waiting for a “special occasion.” Why save the china for the holidays, that favorite dress for a fancy dinner, or perfume for a date? Life’s little luxuries are lovely infused into our daily life.

Blue skies, sunshine, and laughter permeated the week. We practiced yoga twice a day, created in our art journals, explored various mindfulness tools (mindful eating, walking meditation, seated mediation, mindful breathing), indulged in spa treatments such as the “rain forest facial,” and eaten piles of fresh veggies. And, me, a few pounds of papaya.

I’ve been coming to Pura Vida Retreat & Spa since 2001 and hosting retreats here since 2002. It’s a quick jaunt from DC and never disappoints—dry or rainy season. Next year I’ll be hosting this experience again over President’s Day weekend and will have the details up shortly.

What little luxury can be incorporated this weekend? A walk in the park, a bike ride, a soak in the tub, a trip to your local museum or botanical garden, dinner by candlelight, a nap, or an afternoon with a book at a nearby cafe. As Annie Dillard wrote, “How we spend our days is how we spend our lives.” Why not wrap those days in simple pleasures. Bisous. x

This week I hosted 10 yoga, mindfulness, and creativity sessions, finished Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald, released a podcast, set up my therapy Facebook page, penned a Love Note, worked on some essays, collaborated with a client, savored a couple spa treatments, and savored the slow passage of time.

Pics in Review

  1. Me and Mom
  2. Mom on our deck
  3. Colorful rug
  4. New TranquiliT off-the-shoulder top (available next week)
  5. Reading time
  6. Morning practice
  7. My “An Ode to the Bath” essay in Bella Grace
  8. New Facebook therapy page

Savvy Sources

When We Resist, We Empower The Thing We’re Fighting Against
Congressional Effort to Allow Killing Hibernating Bears and Wolf Pups In Their Dens Moves to Senate
How ‘The Beginner’s Mind’ Could Make Your Life Easier
Iris Apfel Thinks Dressing For Your Age is ‘Stupid’
How To Know If You’re In a Good Relationship With Yourself
Terrified Bull in NYC Slaughterhouse Runs For His Life (broke my heart . . . again)
Therapy Chicken in a Tutu is Teaching People to Love Animals
Buddhist Meditation is Relaxing With The Truth
I Accidentally Bought a Giant Pig
13 Things You Should Give Up If You Want To Be Successful
Australia’s Oldest Man Knits Sweaters for Penguins Injured in Oil Spills
30-Day Challenge: 30 Days of Classic Literature

Weekend Wish List

Safe travels home to DC
Host inspiring 4-hour teacher training workshop
Family time
Finish A Writer’s Guide to Non-Fiction by Elizabeth Lyon
Prep essays for writing teacher
Prep for TranquiliT’s spring launch next week