Week in Review

love notes
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Week in Review

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.—Albert Einstein

After this morning’s yin yoga class, I headed to a nearby cafe. Armed with a book and Moleskine, I ordered tea and found a cozy spot under an umbrella outside. Although it was quite chilly, I craved fresh air and was fine staying bundled in layers. Tim and the pups joined and we read until our hands were too cold to continue.

My cafe read is a book I pulled out last night and purchased nearly two decades ago, Your Life As Story. While sitting outside I finished a chapter on the history of autobiographical writing starting in 3000 BC with the Egyptians to Saint Augustine in 399 AD to ex-slave narratives in the mid-nineteenth century to Gertrude Stein and Henry Miller to Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior.

While researching the author, Tristine Rainer, I saw that she considers Anaïs Nin her mentor. No wonder I like her book (I also have her other book, The New Diary and she has a new one coming out about her relationship with Anaïs Nin, Apprenticed to Venus)! Just a few hours ago during the Business of Yoga session I confessed how I thought I’d have lots of time to read  Anaïs Nin’s journals when I left a full-time job to teach yoga (circa 2000).

I laughed at my naiveté. Her journals remain prominently stacked on an entire shelf of my built-ins awaiting their much-deserved attention. They are my equivalent of a religious relic. I’ve had a thing for her since my early 20s when Jewel sang about Anaïs Nin and Henry Miller being together until the end. When I  dressed up as her for Halloween one year, I found that people’s responses to who I was spoke volumes.

“Who?!” “What’s that?” “Omg, love her!”

Tomorrow we’re heading to a dog-friendly winery with plans to soak up the sunshine and fresh air. I’ll have my Anaïs Nin-mentored book in tow. At times city living can feel constricting—as if the walls are closing in. Not surprising, at my desk and by my bed I find myself closed in by books. A jaunt to rolling hills, vineyards, and open space does wonders.

Nature therapy, here I come. Bisous. x

This week I collaborated with clients, taught mindfulness, took a workshop at Tranquil Space, taught writing lab, taught the business of yoga workshop, released a Love Note, released a podcast, conducted three podcast interviews, attended teacher auditions, finished a box of 100 blow pops gifted over Christmas (#notproud), took yoga, biked around town in the rain, penned Tranquil Space’s newsletter muse, enjoyed an acai bowl over date brunch, and started the 100 day project.

Pics in Review

  1. Reading
  2. More reading
  3. Post-yoga cafe time with pups
  4. All 3 pets on my lap
  5. Acai bowl brunch at Le Pain Quotidien
  6. My 4th grade class photo found on Facebook {See me? hint: I’m wearing a turtle t-shirt}

Savvy Sources

Turn Negative Thinkers into Positive Ones
22 Documentaries That Will Change the Way You Think
How Simple Mini Habits Can Change Your Life
The 12 Most Instagrammable Spots in Paris
How to Be Mindful With Your Phone
13 Simple Ways to Improve Your Life
Doing Something Creative Can Boost Your Well-Being
How Highly Successful Women Make the Most of Friday
Sleep Is the New Status Symbol
Pig Begins New Life at Sanctuary
{Recipes} Acai Bowls: The World’s Best Healthy Breakfast
30 Outstanding Podcasts for Writers

Weekend Wish List

Host inspiring Biz of Yoga workshop
Host inspiring Writing Lab
Savor yin yoga
Family time
See Chicago at The Kennedy Center
Prep for the upcoming week
Head to the country for the afternoon