week in review

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





 gym ensemble = one leopard thing too many
le chat on le pug on my lap
 le pug dolled up for a game with a ball
le beau with his v-day surprise
 color preferences for TranquiliT fall 2013?
week in review
took 2 yoga classes
taught 2 yoga classes
2 gym jaunts
ordered lab dips for fall TranquiliT colors
2-hour studio director’s meeting
stuffed heaps of daybook ephemera packets
launched + led a webinar for amtrak’s employee assistance program (watch for upcoming ones here)
mindfulness daylong on body-centered inquiry with jonathan foust
led a 3-hour “living your yoga” workshop for teacher trainees
leisurely sunday morning of homemade pancakes and reading in bed with le beau
class on psychotropic medications
20+ hours at internship
2 MSW classes
shipped treats to paris retreat attendees
sent love note to newsletter subscribers
giveaway winner announcement
 finalized designer for artsy tranquilologie book layout (coming late spring)
took an online blog course through alt summit
explored designers for blog update
took a digital day off
savored green smoothies
consumed a large cinnamon roll while reading about “mindfulness in the body” (hmmmm)
shared mindful monday thoughts
weekend wish list
hair cut/color
finish online efforts for employee assistance program certificate
safe travel to oklahoma (to be with family for 1-year anniversary of gramma’s death)
release inspiring podcast answering one of your questions
be present. very, very present
et toi? what’s on your weekend wish list?
bisous. x